
防水外套 | Outdoor Jacket

防水 外套

一般是指可以防止水由表面滲入, 日本叫作「撥水風褸」,意即可以有效阻隔水花濺過來的功能。並非可以100%阻隔水份。

以作為保暖用途的防水風褸, 內裏布設計可配合不同程度需要,有不同物料配搭,例如抓毛,熱能反射, 或羽絨等等…

Nami 出品的風褸, 包含以上功能。 更進一步的,品牌把扣獨有的圖案融入 設計之中, 令你可以有更不一樣的戶外體驗。

#1550 SERIES
最新Wonda輕量版防風潑水外套, 外殼布料較挺身, 輕巧方便, 亦有撥水效能, 非常適合秋天行山之用。 產品面布經過潑水處理, 可對應大部分戶外潮濕情況。
#1121 SERIES
品牌抓毛外套, 深受消費者歡迎。 產品具備輕薄及保暖兩大效果, 加上品牌 自家創作的 花紋圖案, 使沉悶的冬天 添上 一份活潑。 產品面布經過潑水處理, 可對應大部分戶外潮濕情況。
#1359 SERIES
#1315 SERIES
#1220 SERIES
#1380 SERIES
#1356 SERIES

最襯... | Best Pair With


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NAMI’s brand spirit is an extension of this Japanese drama. I created this brand with the subject of “finding my own sea”. I believe that everyone has the responsibility to find their own sea, to find what they are worth paying for, and to show the value they believe in without restraint. In this world, there are too many pre-set values, too many frames, too many labels, like a brand of clothing. What you wear is the value that people give you. It is more likely that you are only alive. People think the right life! The establishment of the NAMI brand, its loyalty is to play and not to follow the rules. NAMI’s consistent design philosophy is to show women’s confidence. With the help of summer heat, with the help of the brilliant patterns of Bikini, from the inside to the outside, to express yourself attractively. NAMI’s clothing is “Summer anyway”. There is no restriction and no plan. Summer is a big day for indulgence!

NAMI provides customers with high-quality water sports products. The product categories include swimwear, warm clothing, sunscreen clothing, swimming supplies, and beach casual wear. In addition, it has developed down jackets and outdoor wind jackets.

NAMI product series are sold in department stores in Hong Kong and can be found in Sogo Department Store, Yada Department Store, Thousand Color Store, and Aeon Department Store. For details, please find store information here


NAMI Bikini
HKD 港幣
TWD 新台幣